Sunday February 23rd 2025
The telegram channel informing the shareholders of Nasr Sepehr Group was launched

The esteemed shareholders of "Nasr Sepehr International Development Group" are informed that the information telegram channel was launched to the shareholders of the group.Please refer to the following channel to be informed about the latest equity news and also to receive educational materials: ...

Announcement of holding the general assembly of Nasr Sepehr group in 2017

The esteemed shareholders of "Nasr Sepehr International Development and Civil Engineering Group" (formerly Nasr Isfahan Company) are informed that the annual general assembly of this company will be held on 1/30/1397.

The General Assembly of Nasr Sepehr Group was held in 2017

Following the advertisement in the widely circulated newspaper Nasl-e-Farda No. 5642 dated 12/26/2017, the Annual General Meeting of the International Development and Civil Engineering Group of Nasr Sepehr on 1/30/1397 in the presence of a group of shareholders, members of the Board of Directors ...

Holding the Annual and Extraordinary General Assembly of Nasr Sepehr Group

The meeting of the annual general assembly of Nasr Sepehr group was held on Thursday, August 5, 1400 at 8:30 AM in Hezar Jarib Street, next to the dormitory, meeting hall of Shahid Mohajer Technical College with the presence of a group of esteemed shareholders and in full compliance with health p...